June 10, 2024
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Swiss Voters Embrace Renewable Energy Surge

Swiss voters have strongly supported new legislation designed to speed up the country's shift towards renewable energy sources such as water, solar, wind, and biomass.
Swiss Voters Embrace Renewable Energy Surge
Luo Lei - Unsplash

Swiss voters have backed legislation aimed at accelerating renewable energy roll-out in the country. The federal law on a secure electricity supply with renewable energies (amendment to the Energy Act and the Electricity Supply Act) was backed by 69% of the electorate in the optional referendum.

The Swiss government stated, “It has become more difficult to supply Switzerland with sufficient energy at all times. International conflicts and the restructuring of the electricity supply in Europe mean that we can experience shortages in the winter months if too little electricity can be imported. The demand for electricity in Switzerland has also grown, for example, in industry, and also for electric vehicles and heat pumps. To ensure the security of the supply, Parliament has therefore passed the Federal Act on a secure electricity supply from renewable energies.”

The proposed legislation prepares the ground for Switzerland to rapidly produce more electricity from renewable energy sources such as water, sun, wind, and biomass. This is intended to consolidate the independence of the country’s electricity supply.

The bill includes funding instruments and new arrangements for producing, transporting, storing, and consuming electricity. The expansion of solar power production is to take place primarily by installing panels on buildings. In suitable areas, there will be less strict planning conditions for wind power and large solar energy plants, which are particularly important for the electricity supply in winter.

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